Roundtable on Democracy Now!

I joined former FBI agent Mike German and former CIA agent Ray McGovern to discuss recent allegations that the CIA spied on Senate staffers. Watch the roundtable (beginning at 42:00, and part two below), or read a transcript here.

Part two:

Bat Segundo Show Appearance

On March 11, I appeared on the Bat Segundo Show, where I talked about the ethics of assuming a false identity, keeping my phone in a Farraday cage, and more. Read an excerpt or listen to the full interview here.

USA Today Picks Up Privacy Tips From Dragnet Nation

USA Today‘s Elizabeth Weise has published a compendium of privacy tips from Dragnet Nation.

SAN FRANCISCO — Fugitive NSA contractor Edward Snowden told attendees at South By Southwest this week that we need better computer privacy. But keeping prying eyes away from our digital lives is “something like being a vegan,” says writer Julia Angwin.

Her new book, Dragnet Nation, talks about the difficulties involved in avoiding today’s relentless surveillance — not just from the government, but also hackers and corporate collectors of information.

“Every day it’s a hassle for me to protect my and my family’s privacy. Some days you’re just a vegetarian; some days you you’re all vegan,” she said.

Still, there are simple privacy tools available. They’re not NSA-proof, but they go a long way toward erasing the digital breadcrumbs we all leave behind us.

Read the full article at

Q&A With Popular Mechanics

Read my Q&A with Popular Mechanics‘s Davey Alba, where I discuss privacy as a human right, and how technology can help us reclaim it.

Read the full interview here.

Dragnet Nation on PRI

I appeared on Public Radio International, where I talked about wrapping my cell phone in tin foil and other attempts to protect my privacy chronicled in Dragnet Nation. Listen to the interview below, or read a summary, along with an excerpt from the book.

Appearance on “This Is Hell” WNUR 89.3 FM in Chicago

I talked with Chuck Mertz on “This is Hell” (WNUR 89.3 FM in Chicago) about surveillance and government power, why privacy is necessary in a free society, and the fun of using search engines that remember nothing about you. Listen to the full conversation below.

Interview on KALW 91.7 FM in San Francisco

Listen to my conversation about Dragnet Nation with Rose Aguilar on “Your Call” on KALW 91.7 FM in San Francisco.

“Privacy Piracy” radio interview

I appeared on the “Privacy Piracy” radio program on KUCI 88.1 FM, Irvine, CA to talk about Dragnet Nation. Listen below:


Q&A With JWT Intelligence

In a Q&A with JWT Intelligence, I discuss the harms of widespread data collection, what’s on the horizon for privacy legislation in the U.S., and other topics from Dragnet Nation.

Read the full interview here.

Interview on Kirkus Reviews

Read my interview with Kirkus Review’s Neha Sharma about reclaiming privacy in an age of hyper-sharing.
